El Alfil

Perhaps Hell is playing chess with the Almighty silently for an eternity, never once surrendering one piece. So maybe the Devil really does exist, one who has taken his agency out farther — a H3lloween Gambit!
“Further and further out Gambles.”
The usage of the 3 in the spelling made it different, in such a way as a bishop takes a piece in a game.
Odd, how, when the Queens are gone in the game, one can see how the computer’s moves are truncated, blunted (senses) but then a bishop {Icelandic in origin} takes a pawn in the kingside castle, and it’s not so dramatic a move, but playing the AI takes on a more calculated feeling.
“Real Enemies?”
“Eternal, Hieronymus.”
“Yes, and in Lifetime after Lifetime, each wrongs the Other worse,” and so it goes.
And one was shocked when the Rook moved with a jerk; almost like a twitch, a tic of the artifice — a reflexive, mute involuntary motion.

{Virtual Chessboard, Mind’s Eye-era recollection, lo-res winged golden archangelic bard piping the flute, comprised of Platonic topologies, but more advanced vectors, the beauty and reality of the chessmen, as seen from above black (or did it suddenly change to white?!) from the perspective of the player, and zoom in to a more level vantage point as if amid and between the pieces (and I am frightened) AT THAT MOMENT A MURDER HORNET FLEW IN THROUGH THE OPEN WINDOW OH MY GOD BODIES NOT TWISTED ENOUGH, MIND AND SOUL AHAHAHAHA in the midst of the Void of space, the rarefied vacuum of space that has its lowest density of ten atoms per cubic meter, cold wind blowing through the soul and standing on a chessboard of grey and white computer vector graphics, zooming in among the chessmen from the vantage point of the white player (or was it black?). Just cold, stillness, October.}
And that same gust come up now across the chessboard beneath the indifferent stars, zoom in from player’s vantage among the chessmen, beneath the galaxies’ cold light, in a Mind’s Eye video, but better resolution now, an unexpected gust of cold stirring up the vacuum state.